Raudanes Hike

Region: North Iceland
Coordinates: 66.2552045° N 15.723199° W
Hiking time: Various
Difficulty: easy
Length: Various km
Elevation: Various m
Highest Point: Various m

Point Raudanes is in the vicinity of farm Vellir and former parsonage Svalbard, some 30 km from the fishing village Thorshofn. A marked, 7 km long, hiking trail around the point starts from the road to farm Vellir.

Haabjarg Cliff

The first port of call is the 60 m high cliff Haabjarg, which clearly shows the strata of the basaltic rock. The point is a heathland with some grassland, surrounded with majestic cliffs, such as Lundastapar with beautiful basaltic columns. Those cliffs teemed with puffins in the past, but fell offer to the intrusion of minks. They protrude off the so-called Ytra-Undirlendi, a sheltered area with loads of berries (craw and blueberries) and an old foxes den.

Gluggur Cliff

The cliff Gluggur (Peakhole) is a unique formation. The breakers beat it and hollowed a cave. A part of its roof collapsed and left a nice arch across the edge. Many other caves are found on the eastern part of the point and one of them can be entered by a small boat. A short distance away is the cliff Brik. Gatastakkur is a strangely formed, basaltic dyke eroded by the breakers.

Stakkabasar Cave

The next beach reveals the small cave Stakkabasar, where two fishermen sought shelter before the turn of the 19th century and one of them carved his name Hannes and his mate’s initials on the wall. Two large cliffs, Stakkar, rise from the sea off the norternmost point. The cliff Stakkatorfa is nearby with its colony of puffins, which are not common in this area. Once a natural arch connected it with the mainland.

Vellir farm

The trail ends on the road to the farm Vellir. It is better to take along something to drink, because no drinking water can be found in the area. The view from different spots enroute is excellent on a fine day and nature lovers should allow for enough time on this walk.

Source: This text is derived from a brochure prepared by the pupils of the Svalbard School in the autumn of 2001.

Raudanes in Icelandic

Photo Credit: Visit North Iceland

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