Borgarfjordur – Breidavik via Gagnheidi

Region: East Iceland
Coordinates: 65.5254828° N 13.6815808° W
Hiking time: 4-5 hours
Difficulty: easy
Length: 12km. km
Elevation: m
Highest Point: m

An easy walk, mostly on a good jeep track, an earlier main connection road between several places of the Viknaslodir Area. Quite a few of the old chairns are still standing. The view from the top of mt. pass Gagnheidi, where the view dial is located, is excellent on a fine day. This view dial was placed there by the Hiking Association of Borgarfjordur in 1999.

The mounds Holahorn are an ideal starting point. The trail takes you between the mounds to two spots with paintings of the renowned painter Kjarval, who painted them just before 1950, exactly where they are located. From lake Holatjorn, where one of the paintings is located, the trail continues along the hill Maelir (273m), where it is crossed by the trail near Fagriholl. This trail is only marked to the paintings. To the south of mt. pass Gagnheidi, other trails than the old jeep track are on offer. Between Efri-Hestar and Nedri-Hestar is a worthwhile waterfall or rapids.   Estimated hiking time is 4-5 hours along the 12 kilometres trail.

This Route is one of the Viknaslodir Hiking Routes.

Photo Credit: Visit East Iceland

Links in Borgarfjordur – Breidavik via Gagnheidi